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Biological specimen/ samples collected on reaching a TB testing laboratory needs to be formally received. The sample may be handed over by agents(couriers, health staff/ volunteers, patient representatives) or by patients themselves. The formal receipt of sample enables further processes such as testing and communication of results back to the patient. If the sample is successfully received, the appropriate testing process is initiated using the sample, else it is rejected and a fresh sample requested. 

The designated Lab Technician (LT) at the Laboratory is responsible for receiving the sample. To initiate the receipt, the sample along with the patient, or the sample along with accompanying test request is required. If it is available, following are the steps to complete sample receipt:

  1. Compare patient information (Patient Name and Patient ID / Sample ID/ Test ID) to the test request that has been made.
    • This is performed by searching the patient ID in Nikshay under the Diagnostics menu and comparing and matching the patient details and the label on the sample.
    • If a physical form (Request for examination of Biological specimen for TB) is available, the details on the sample label and form needs to be compared and matched as well.
  2. If the details are matched the LT then checks the quality (mucopurulent, non-blood stained), quantity (adequate to perform the requested test) of the sample and ensures that there is no leakage.
  3. If the above checks are passed, then the LT Accepts sample. If not the LT rejects sample with a request to get a new sample. The rejection of the sample and request to obtain a new sample is recorded on Nikshay and is communicated to the patient and the person who requested the test.  
  4. To register the receipt by accepting/Check in the sample for testing in Nikshay. The relevant information may also be captured in the TB Laboratory Register.  Ensure that the Test ID (if not already present) / Lab serial number from the Lab register is labelled on the sample container.


Sample receiving in Nikshay

Figure: Sample Journey Tracking in Nikshay; Source: Nikshay Diagnostic Training Content.



  1. Training Modules (1-4) for Programme Managers and Medical Officers, NTEP, 2020.
  2. Nikshay Zendesk, Nikshay Knowledge Base, FAQs.
  3. Nikshay Zendesk, Nikshay Knowledge Base, Diagnostics.



Question​ Answer 1​ Answer 2​ Answer 3​ Answer 4​ Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​
The process of receiving a sample does not involve the following ​Requesting a test Matching test request information and container label. Checking in a sample on Nikshay Rejecting an inappropriate sample. 1

Request for testing and sample transportation to the laboratory has to happen before a sample can be received.

Matching request information and checking in a sample on Nikshay and rejecting inappropriate sample are steps in the receiving process.

  Yes Yes

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