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Depending upon the total value of procurement, the GeM platform provides three primary buying modes:

Direct purchase:

Direct purchase enables buyers to buy products of value up to INR 25,000 that meet the requisite quality, specifications, and delivery period without comparison (except automobiles) through any available sellers on GeM.

Direct purchase with L1

The Direct Purchase with L1 is used for mid-value (INR 25,000 to 50,000) transactions and allows the buyer to directly procure from the L1 seller after comparing all available sellers on the platform that meet the requisite quality, specification and delivery period as specified by the buyer. The comparison must be made between goods/services of at least three different manufacturers/Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and three different sellers.

E-Bid/ Reverse Auction

The E-bid/Reverse Auction mode allows buyers to conduct an electronic bid for the goods and services on the platform. The creation of bid documents as well as system-driven evaluation, are driven through well-defined and standardized technical parameters. The GeM platform shall provide buyers with the option to customize the bid, as per their requirements by way of objective selections.

Proprietary Article Certificate (PAC) Buying

The GeM platform allows buyers to procure on a proprietary basis by using the PAC filter provided on the GeM platform, which allows the selection of a specific model/makes from a particular seller that is available on the platform.


GeM training modules



Question​ Answer 1​ Answer 2​ Answer 3​ Answer 4​ Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​
Who hosts the GeM portal Ministry of Health and Family welfare Central TB Division Directorate General of Supplies and Goods Ministry of commerce 3 GeM portal is hosted by the Directorate General of Supplies and Goods.   YES YES



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