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Recording Box Preparation in Ni-kshay Aushadhi

As per the National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) guidelines, CTD procures loose medicines for the treatment of DR-TB patients. These loose medicines are packed into Monthly Patient-Wise Boxes (PWB). PWB are prepared only at the State Drug Store (SDS) and District Drug Store (DDS) levels. Depending upon the availability of drugs, two types of boxes can be prepared in Ni-kshay Aushadhi.

Complete box – contains all the required drugs as per the regimen

Incomplete box – has less than the required number of drugs as per the regimen

process of recording box preparation in Ni-kshay Aushadhi


Figure 1: Overview of the process of recording box preparation in Ni-kshay Aushadhi

Detailed stepwise procedure: 

Box Preparation

Step 1: Go to the Ni-kshay Aushadhi website and click on login. Enter your User ID, Password, and then the captcha text and click login.

Step 2: Reach the ‘Box Preparation Window’ following the path Home-menu > Services > Packing/Repacking > Box preparation and select the appropriate options as per the regimen from the drop-down menus of different sections given in the window and then press the ‘Go’ tab.

Box completion window in Ni-kshay Aushadhi


Figure 2: Box completion window in Ni-kshay Aushadhi

Source: Ni-kshay Aushadhi portal

Step 3: Select the drug from the checkbox. The system will auto-fill the quantity required as per the box preparation quantity.  Batch of near expiry date will be highlighted in pink colour. This is to be noted that the expiry date of the nearest expiry drug in the box will be the expiry date of the box itself. You can select any batch as per your requirement.

Entering details of the box


Figure 3: Entering details of the box

Source: Ni-kshay Aushadhi portal

Step 4: After selecting the batch, click on ‘Add’ button to add the drug to the box.  The system will highlight the added drug into the table with green colour. Repeat the process for all the drugs in the regimen. When all the drugs are added into the box as per the required quantity, the system will highlight  them in green.

Figure 4: Details of drugs added to the box

Source: Ni-kshay Aushadhi portal

Step 5: Enter the ‘Remarks’ if required and click on the ‘Save’ button.  The system will generate the voucher. You can save or print the voucher.

Figure 5: Voucher generated

Source: Ni-kshay Aushadhi portal

Note: If the available number of drugs is less than required, the selection could still be saved, and a voucher generated. Such boxes will be shown in blue in the view boxes section and are called as incomplete boxes.

Box Completion

This process involves adding the remaining drugs to the prepared incomplete boxes and can also be done at the receiving store. The process can be repeated multiple times depending upon the availability of the remaining drugs.

Steps to be followed in Ni-kshay Aushadhi:

Step 1: Reach the ‘Box Completion’ window following the path Menu > Services > Packing/Repacking > Box completion and enter your store name.

Step 2: On selecting the regimen from Tuberculosis (TB) subcategory, those batches with incomplete boxes will be displayed within the ‘Batch’ section. On selecting the batch from the Drug Details section will get displayed.

Step 3: Select a drug from the Drug Details table. Once selected, the batch details table of that drug will appear. Select the batch and add the drug quantity into the ‘To Be Added Qty' column.

Figure 6: Box completion window

Source: Ni-kshay Aushadhi portal

Step 4: Click on the 'Add' button. The selected row in the drug details gets coloured in green, which means that the given drug has been successfully added.

Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 to fill more drugs and complete the box. Click on 'Save' to complete the process and generate the voucher.


Ni-kshay Aushadhi Manual-Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.



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Where can box preparation be done? SDS only

SDS and DDS only


DDS only


This activity can be done at the SDS and DDS levels only.




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