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  • Checklists for Store Visit in NTEP

    Learning Objectives

    checklist fields to be provided,(what to look for) and relevant details . SDS, DDS, TU store check list can be added as attachment


Significance of Checklist

  • The person who conducts supervisory visits should ensure that the health workers are performing their job adequately. They should observe personnel at work, review records and forms for completion and accuracy, and speak to the staff about their job responsibilities, case- finding, treatment outcomes, etc.
  • Supervisory visits provide an opportunity to evaluate the training programme and to identify staff who needs to build additional skills, or who have other training needs. Supervision is the opportunity to give on the job training to such staff if feasible and in case there is no progress in performance even after on the job training, there is a need for assessing the quality of training received.
  • The supervisor should also interact with community leaders and with patients, to assess their perception of the programme and to discuss with them the means for improving the services and community support.
  • A staff member may not be adequately performing their job because of lack of skills or knowledge. The person evaluating the performance must determine the specific skill or knowledge in which the person is deficient. They should recommend and ensure that the staff member is retrained.
  • A questionnaire may be used to evaluate quality of training. These include Pre-Test, Post- Test and Follow-up of the trainees using the tool (questionnaire / interview).
  • Transfer of knowledge (gained during the training) into the skills can be assessed after few months up to a year by observing the activities being performed by the personnel on the job/ indicators where applicable and comparing the same with earlier performance of the similar nature.

 The Parameter to be considered : -

  • Space Assessment
  • Infrastructure
  • Human Resource
  • Physical verification
  • Transportation
  • Management of SLD
  • Recording and Reporting



1. NTEPTrainingModfdules5to9.pdf

2. Central Internal Evaluation Checklist NTEP       



Answer 1​

Answer 2​

Answer 3​

Answer 4​

Correct answer​

Correct explanation​

Page id​

Part of Pre-test​

Part of Post-test​

Common observations made in SDS,DDS,TU are:   Stock register


Both Stock register & FEFO

Only Stock register


Common observations are made in SDS,DDS,TU  in both stock register & FEFO






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