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Disposal of expired supplies
Learning ObjectivesSteps to be followed for disposal of expired supplies. Flowchart may be used. Nikshay Aushadhi has to be updated. Lab supplies also to be covered.
Expiry management of supplies is crucial to avoid financial losses and harm to patients.
If any drug expires due to reasons beyond control, the write-off of expired drugs should be as per the guidelines given in NTEP National Strategic Plan. As per NSP, the State is allowed to write off up to 2% of the cost of the annual supply of drugs on implementation of Drug Sensitivity Testing (DST) guided treatment and 2% cost of rapid molecular test cartridges. The expired stock should be disposed-off as per the Bio-medical Waste (Management and Handling) guidelines of Govt. of India.
Disposal of Expired/Discarded Medicines
Colour of the bag to be used: Yellow

Figure 1: Disposal of expired supplies according to Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules 2016
Updating in Ni-kshay Aushadhi
To dispose of or remove the expired/rejected drugs from the online inventory, follow the steps below:
- Go to the ‘Write-Off/Disposal’ process in Stock Management,
- Click on the ‘Request’ button to generate the disposal request,
- Select the ‘Expired or Rejected’ category, and the system will show the respective drugs
- Select the drug with an expired batch and enter the quantity
- Click on the ‘Save’ button.
Figure 2: Write-off/disposal register in Nikshay Aushadhi Source: Nikshay Aushadhi portal
Figure 3: Entering details of expired drugs in the write-off/disposal register in Nikshay Aushadhi Source: Nikshay Aushadhi portal
Steps to follow
- After saving, select the request and click on the ‘Write-off’ button,
- Verify the drug details and select the type of write-off as ‘Burned/Buried’,
- Enter the ‘Remarks’, and click on the ‘Save’ button,
- System will generate the voucher, and the drug quantity will be deducted from the inventory.
Figure 3: Expired drug details in Nikshay Aushadhi Source: Nikshay Aushadhi portal
Condemnation of laboratory supplies
Figure 4: Process of condemnation of laboratory supplies which are non-functional, obsolete, non-reparable equipment in NTEP’s laboratories
Information is required in below mentioned format to condemn the lab equipment:
Figure 5: Form GFR 10 Source: General Financial Rules 2017, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, GoI
The request for the replacement of the equipment condemned has to be submitted to State TB Officer (STO)/Central TB Division (CTD) in the below-mentioned format:
Figure 6: Annexure 4 for details of equipment for condemnation Source: Guidelines for the condemnation and replacement of Tuberculosis (TB) laboratory equipment under the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) 2019
1. Guidelines for Management of Healthcare Waste as per Biomedical Waste Management Rules, 2016
Question | Answer 1 | Answer 2 | Answer 3 | Answer 4 | Correct answer | Correct explanation | Page id | Part of Pre-test | Part of Post-test |
Disposal of expired supplies is done in which colour bag? | Yellow | Red | White | Blue | 1 | Discarded or expired medicine in yellow coloured non-chlorinated plastic bags |
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