Norms for establishing an STDC

Every State/ Union Territory should have at least one functional STDC established with the infrastructure, equipment and human resources (HR norms provided subsequently). It should be preferably located alongside or nearby the State TB Cell (STC) at the State Headquarters/ Capital, for administrative convenience, effective co-ordination and sharing of responsibilities.

In larger states, with a population of more than 5 crore population/ more than 20 NTEP districts, they can establish additional STDCs or the single STDC at the state may be supported by additional Regional Training and Programme Monitoring Centre (RTPMC). They may be delegated with the responsibility of capacity building and SM&E activities. These additional centres will be governed by the single STDC at the state and may be resourced as per norms provided subsequently. RTPMCs function similar to STDC, but they are placed away from the State headquarters based on the geographical and local considerations.

Integration with General Health System: Wherever there are no STDCs/ RTPMCs in the state as per the norms provided above, the state may decide to build the STDC/ RTPMC in an appropriate existing State Institutions like the State Institute of Health and Family Welfare (SIHFWs) and regional training centres. Dedicated HR, infrastructure and equipment as needed may be provisioned to these institutions as per the norms through the state PIP to take care of NTEP related functions.