The STDC as an institution will function under the supervision of the STC. It will manage the RTPMCs and IRLs/ C&DST in the state. The STDC will have three sections: (1) the Training Section, (2) SM&E Section and (3) the IRL Section; each of which have a dedicated stream of activities in relation to conducting NTEP training, SM&E and laboratory-related work in the state. The personnel in these three sections will collaborate to provide all required technical assistance to the STC, such as PIP preparation and Operation Research. 

The STDC will need to be empowered with adequate financial and administrative autonomy to conduct planned activities. The STDC will annually prepare an action plan prior to the State PIP process. The action plan has to include all training, SM&E, IRL and technical activities, such as operational research etc. The general norms for the quantum of each activity under each section should be based on needs/gap assessment keeping in mind the functions of STDC as detailed below. The action plan will also have to include the relevant budget with proper justification and timeline, and will have to be incorporated into the State PIP. Care has to be taken to ensure that the activities and budget include the necessary travel of STDC personnel within the state and other parts of the country for executing all its functions. The STDC staff may travel by hiring vehicles, through air/rail/ferry as appropriate, following the state National Health Mission (NHM) norms. However, the technical staff who are not entitled to travel by state norms, may be allowed to travel by air for attending National or Regional Level trainings/Workshops/Meetings/Evaluation visits, if it is an overnight journey or travel involving more than 500 km. They should be provided with timely permissions and TA/DA as per their entitlements/reimbursement of actual expenditure incurred with proper justification. 

Once the PIP is approved, the total annual budget approved for the STDC and its divisions may be transferred to the STDC, to be used for approved activities under the annual plan.