Infrastructure and Equipment

The STDC may preferably be located in the same premises where State TB Officer (STO) office is placed or nearby place at an easily approachable site from the STC for better co-ordination.

Every STDC/ RTPMC needs to have adequate infrastructure and equipment to conduct its necessary functions. These include broadly three categories; office rooms, training/ meeting rooms, laboratory facility and residential/ hostel facilities.

Office Rooms and Related Equipment.

The STDC office rooms include the chamber of the STDC Director, rooms for section in-charges Training and SM&E Section. It should also include appropriate space for the Training and SM&E section. It is desirable that the establishment section is located adjacent to the Director/ Head of the institution room/ Chamber. STDCs/ RTPMCs should also be equipped with adequate number of computers/ laptops for each staff of the STDC.

Training/ meeting rooms :

  • Auditorium with a seating capacity of approximately 50 people. It should be equipped with necessary audio-visual (AV) support.
  • A separate room with a capacity of approximately 40- 50 people for conducting district review and other administrative meetings.
  • Three rooms with seating capacity of 15-20 people each. They should be separate classrooms where it is possible to have close interaction with each trainee during physical training.

Residential/ hostel facilities: Based on the load of training, i.e. number of concurrent trainees who are expected to be trained in simultaneous batches at the STDC, residential facilities (approximately/ at least 25 rooms) need to be provided. These may also be used for boarding and lodging of programme managers during review meetings. The hostel should have appropriate canteen, dining hall and housekeeping arrangements.

Modernized Training Unit: The STDCs/ RTPMCs should be provided with the necessary equipment to effectively deliver trainings as per the requirements of the Modernized Training Strategy of NTEP. The Units may be installed in the auditorium/ two training/ meeting rooms as described above. Modernized Training Units at STDCs require facilities such as:

  1. high speed internet connectivity (either through a >50MBPS leased-line or through a >200MBPs BroadBand/ Fibre connection)
  2. Virtual meetings/ knowledge dissemination setup  (Virtual meeting service subscription, 3 Televisions, Camera, speakers, microphone)
  3. Interactive Digital Board (65 inch diagonal size), Or LCD Projector and screen (minimum 3 sets) along with Laptop or computer.
  4. Digital devices / tablets (minimum 40 sets) for the trainees.
  5. Portable AV equipment such as speakers, wireless microphones, laser pointers for trainings at satellite sites (minimum 2 sets)


The STDCs should be equipped with vehicle support to effectively deliver SM&E activities as per the policies of the State and for field visit demonstrations to the trainees. And where no vehicles are there they may be hired from an outsourcing agency. 

The above training, residential and equipment, facilities ideally should be dedicated for the STDCs/ RTPMC but may also be shared with or borrowed from any regional/State Institute (SIHFW) or medical colleges as appropriate.

Infrastructure for IRLs

The IRLs established should have the following infrastructure:

  1. At least 2 rooms for sputum examination(Processing and Microscopy)
  2. Sample receipt room
  3. One room for sample opening with BSL II facility.
  4. TB containment laboratory (Details available in Link )
  5. Reagent and Media Preparation room
  6. Equipment area
  7. One washing and sterilization room.
  8. Three physically separated rooms for Conducting LPA.
  9. One room for NAAT activities.
  10. One room for LIMS, Nikshay Operator (and DEO and reporting
  11. Separate staff room with decent washroom for males and females
  12. One store room


Details of

  1. Equipment are available in Link 
  2. Consumables are available in Link