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It is important to know the dosages of Multi (M)/ Extensively Drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) drugs for adults on a longer oral M/XDR-TB regimen.​



The table below shows the M/XDR-TB regimen drugs for adults weight band-wise, used in longer oral M/XDR-TB regimen customized for India by national experts.



Table: Dosages of M/XDR-TB Drugs for Adults in Longer Oral M/XDR-TB Regimen
Sr.No Drugs 16-29 kg 30-45 kg 46-70 kg >70 kg
1 Levofloxacin (Lfx) 250 mg 750 mg 1000 mg 1000 mg
2 Moxifloxacin (Mfx) 200 mg 400 mg 400 mg 400 mg
3 High dose Mfx (Mfxh) 400 mg 600 mg 600 mg 600 mg
4 Bedaquiline (Bdq)

Week 0–2: Bdq 400 mg daily 

Week 3–24: Bdq 200 mg 3 times per week

5 Clofazimine (Cfz) 50 mg 100 mg 100 mg 200 mg
6 Cycloserine (Cs)3 250 mg 500 mg 750 mg 1000 mg
7 Linezolid (Lzd) 300 mg 600 mg 600 mg 600 mg
8 Delamanid (Dlm)

50 mg twice daily (100 mg) for 24 weeks in 6-11 years of age

 100 mg twice daily (200 mg) for 24 weeks for ≥12 years of age

9 Amikacin (Am)1 500 mg 750 mg 750 mg 1000 mg
10 Pyrazinamide (Z) 750 mg 1250 mg 1750 mg 2000 mg
11 Ethionamide (Eto)3 375 mg 500 mg 750 mg 1000 mg
12 Na - PAS (60% weight/ vol)2,3  10 gm 14 gm 16 gm 22 gm
13 Ethambutol (E) 400 mg 800 mg 1200 mg 1600 mg
14 Imipenem-Cilastatin (Imp-Cln)3 2 vials (1g + 1g) bd (to be used with Clavulanic acid)
15 Meropenems (Mpm)3 1000 mg three times daily (alternative dosing is 2000 mg twice daily) (to be used with Clavulanic acid)
16 Amoxicillin-Clavulanate (Amx-Clv) (to be given with Carbapenems only) 875/125 mg bd 875/125 mg bd 875/125 mg bd 875/125 mg bd
17 Pyridoxine (Pdx) 50 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg


1For adults more than 60 years of age, the dose of Second-line Injectable (SLI) should be reduced to 10 mg/kg (max up to 750 mg).

2In patients of Para Amino Salicylic Acid (PAS) with 80% weight/ volume the dose will be changed to 7.5 gm (16-29 kg); 10 gm (30-45 Kg); 12 gm (46-70 kg) and 16 gm (>70 kg).

3Drugs can be given in divided doses in a day in the event of intolerance.






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