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What’s inside:

Read this page to know; how TB could impact the organization & why TB Free workplace is important.

Absenteeism & Productivity Loss related to TB in workplace and its implications:

The success of industries is closely linked to the health and prosperity of the community of workers, services, contractors and consumers. However, India’s response from industries, and business organizations to TB remains minimal and requires scaling up.

TB in Workplace impacts the organization by: Employees may lose 3 – 4 months of work on an average if they are affected by TB. 

  • Lost man hours 

  • Disruption in workflow 

  • Weeks and months of absenteeism 

  • Lowered productivity.

How the organization will be affected if the TB remains undetected

The industries could also incur indirect costs due to, consequent recruitment and training.

Experiance of Best Mumbai

Why TB Free workplaces are important?; Challenges & opportunities:

  • Workers spend most of their time at workplaces
  • Difficult for the program to reach workers
  • Workplaces play a vital role in creating TB awareness and providing necessary support for treatment completion
  • Workplaces can promote zero stigma related to TB


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