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Prevalence of TB infection - The number of persons living with TB infection in a given population during a given time is called the prevalence of TB infection. 

It may be expressed in absolute number for a given population or as a rate per a defined denominator, commonly percentage. 

TB infection should not be confused with TB disease as only a fraction of those infected by TB will develop active TB disease. 

The global prevalence of TB infection: 

  • Various studies have show that the prevalence of TB infection globally is 25%. In other words, one-fourth of the world population is infected with TB bacilli.

India: India has the highest estimated burden of TB infection globally, with approximately 350-400 million people living with TB infection. Crude prevalence of TB infection among population age ≥15 years was found to be 31.3% (Based on NTB Prevalence Survey  Report, 2021).




Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Correct answer Explanation Page ID Part of Pre-test Part of Post-test
The prevalence of TB infection can be measured by national-level surveys or estimated by mathematical modelling. True False     1 Prevalence is preferably measured directly from national population surveys. When this is not feasible, mathematical modelling can be used to indirectly estimate the prevalence.   Yes Yes

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