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Role of STLS in District Review meetings

Role of STLS in District Review meetings

Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory supervisor (STLS) is responsible for ensuring quality assured TB diagnostics in the district and hence, plays an important role in the district review meetings. 

  • STLS compiles and presents the data on:

  •      Presumptive TB case examination and notification rate against the target estimated.
  •      Universal Drug Susceptibility Testing (UDST) status of the notified TB patients.
  •      Number of diagnosed TB patients whose samples were sent to the Intermediate Reference Laboratory (IRL) or Culture and DST (CDST) laboratory for First line-Line Probe Assay (FL-LPA), Second line-Line Probe Assay (SL-LPA), and Drug Susceptibility Testing (DST).
  •       Number of Notified cases put on treatment.
  •      Treatment outcome details
  •       Tuberculosis Infection (TBI) screening among the household contact persons of the notified TB patients.
  •    STLS during the review meetings presents the findings of the On-Site Evaluation (OSE) visits conducted and gives suggestion regarding further improvement of the diagnostic services in the district.

  •     SLTS during the review meetings provides feedback on the training status and competency level of the Laboratory technicians (LTs) based upon the findings of Blinded and Non-Blinded Rechecking of the Acid Fact Bacilli (AFB) smears. 

  •      STLS also provides the Status of Laboratory consumables, Staining reagents, CBNAAT Cartridges and Truenat Chips in the district. 

  •    STLS also presents the findings of Active Case Finding (ACF) Campaign during the review meeting and provides feedback on the problems encountered and ways to overcome these problems in future campaigns. 





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STLS plays an important role in district review meetings True False      1 Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory supervisor (STLS) is responsible for ensuring quality assured TB diagnostics in the district and hence, plays an important role in the district review meetings.      

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