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  • Referral mechanisms for DR-TB services

    Learning Objectives

    Enumerate the referral mechanisms - who, whom, how and where for DR-TB services. Narrate how the referral mechanism works and who can be a resource for smooth coordination. To include Referral mechanisms between the nodal and district DR-TB committees (for the public sector).


Presumptive Drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) is identified by the health facility doctor during passive screening or by health staff/ community volunteers during Active Case Finding (ACF). 

Prompt referral and sample collection is an important step after identifying presumptive TB/ DR-TB. 

After detection, referrals should be made promptly by the Community Health Officer (CHO) at Health and Wellness Centre (HWC)/ Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS)/ Tuberculosis Health Visitor (TBHV) to the health facility or Nodal/ District DR-TB Centre (N/DDR-TBC) for pre-treatment evaluation and treatment initiation. Every district has DDR-TBC for the treatment of DR-TB cases. However, for complicated DR-TB cases,that need either super-speciality or complex medical equipment and intensive care (like invasive ventilators), such patients are referred to Nodal DDR-TBCs.

Referral linkages for further domiciliary treatment are to be ensured by health facility doctor, N/DDR-TBC, senior DR-TB TB-HIV supervisor, STS, TBHV, CHO and general health staff. 

Identification of suitable treatment supporters by CHO/ STS/ TBHV is essential, and the periodic follow-up of clinical/ bacteriological examination is to be managed.

The cascade of referral mechanism and function of various stakeholders is described below.

cascade of referral mechanism

Figure: Cascade of referral mechanism and function of various stakeholders; Source: Guidelines for Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant Tuberculosis in India, NTEP, CTD, WHO, MoHFW, 2021, p48.





Question 1 Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Correct Answer Correct Explanation Page id Part of Pre-Test Part of Post-Test
The patients are referred to N/DDR-TBC for pre-treatment evaluation. True False     1 After detection of DR-TB, referrals should be made promptly by the CHO at HWC/ STS/ TBHV to the health facility or N/DDR-TBC.   Yes Yes
Who ensures referral linkages for domiciliary treatment of patients? Senior DR-TB coordinator TB Health Visitor Community health officers  All of the above 4 Referral linkages for domiciliary treatment are to be ensured by the health facility doctor, N/DDR-TBC, senior DR-TB coordinator, TB-HIV supervisor, STS, TBHV, CHO and general health staff.    Yes Yes

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