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  • ART Centre

    Learning Objectives

    Definition, structure, and basic facilities. How they are aligned with NTEP diagnostic/ treatment facilities


Anti-retroviral Therapy (ART) Centre is a facility to provide a comprehensive package of care, support and treatment services to persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV).

Location Staff Pattern  Services
  • Medical colleges
  • District hospitals 
  • Non-profit charitable institutions providing care, support and treatment services to PLHIV
  • Should ideally be located near Medicine OPD
  • A minimum of 1000 square feet area for ART centre expecting on an average 500 patients on ART with an adequate number of rooms.
  • Nodal officer
  • Senior medical officer (postgraduate in medicine)
  • Medical Officer (MBBS)
  • Counsellors
  • Staff nurse
  • Data manager
  • Lab  technician
  • Care coordinator


  • Register and provide care, support and treatment services to all PLHIV and monitor patients in HIV care (Pre-ART) regularly
  • Identify eligible PLHIV requiring ART and initiate them on ART in a timely manner as per the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) guidelines
  • Provide ART & treatment of opportunistic infections to eligible PLHIV
  • Provide Isoniazid (INH) prophylaxis for PLHIV for TB prevention
  • Provide treatment adherence and counselling services before and during treatment to ensure drug adherence
  • Counsel and educate PLHIV, caregivers, guardians and family members on nutritional requirements, hygiene, positive living and also on measures to prevent further transmission of infection
  • Refer patients requiring specialised services (including admission) to other departments/ higher facilities/ centre of excellence
  • Provide a comprehensive package of services including condoms and prevention education with a view towards “Positive Prevention”

ART Centre - TB  Diagnosis and Treatment  

tb diagnosis and treatment  at ART centre


DR TB   cases are referred to  DR TB centre.

Referrals for TB  diagnosis are documented in the HIV TB line list which will be updated with the help of Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS) according to the test reports. 

TB HIV registers are maintained in the ART centres to document TB cases.


INH preventive Therapy (IPT)  - is initiated for all eligible PLHIV  at ART centre






Question Option 1 Option 2 Option 3  Option 4 Correct answer  Explanation  Page ID Pre-test Post-test
Which of the following is false with regard to the ART Centre? It is an HIV diagnostic facility. It provides treatment for PLHIV. It treats opportunistic Infection. It has TB screening facilities.  1 ICTC is the diagnostic facility.      


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