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  • PMDT Treatment Book

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    What is PMDT Treatment book? how it differs from treatment card and register? Describe the content, emphasising importent information. Who will initiate and who will update? Show the format.


The Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant Tuberculosis (PMDT) treatment book is a document that is issued to all patients who are diagnosed with DR-TB and are placed on a regimen for DR-TB. It is given in annexure 31 under the PMDT guidelines 2021.

The PMDT treatment book is to be kept with the patient and should be brought along whenever s/he comes to Drug-resistant TB Centre (DR-TBC) or District TB Centre (DTC) or Health Facility (HF) for clinical follow-up or for Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) management and should be filled out by the healthcare provider.

The PMDT treatment book contains the following sections:

  • Details about the patient, treatment supporter, TB unit from where the patient is availing treatment
  • Reason for testing, previous TB treatment history, type of TB, current TB treatment regimen with the date of diagnosis and treatment initiation
  • Information on an initial home visit, Drug Susceptibility Test (DST) results for different anti-TB drugs, contact investigation, DR-TB committee meetings
  • Information about weight and height of the patient, different weight bands for DR-TB regimen, different types of anti-TB drugs prescribed to patients and their dosages, eligibility and consent of patient if a new drug has been prescribed
  • Information on investigations, follow-up results, details about monthly administration of drugs with the weight of patient for the full duration of treatment
  • Information on retrieval action taken for a patient who has missed doses, any ADR reported and their management
  • Detailed clinical notes written by the treating physician during each visit
  • Information about treatment outcome and post-treatment periodic follow-up
  • General information about the TB disease, mode of transmission, treatment, drugs in the regimen, side effects of drugs, and a few important do’s and don’ts for the patient.
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Figure: PMDT Treatment Book; Source: Guidelines on Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant TB (PMDT) in India, 2021, CTD, MoHFW, India.





Question     Answer 1     Answer 2     Answer 3     Answer 4     Correct answer     Correct explanation     Page id     Part of Pre-test     Part of Post-test    
When is the PMDT treatment book issued to a patient? When a patient is diagnosed with DR-TB When a patient is transferred out When a patient is lost to follow-up When a patient has completed treatment 1 The Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant Tuberculosis (PMDT) treatment book is a document that is issued to all patients who are diagnosed with DR-TB and are placed on a regimen for DR-TB.      Yes  Yes

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