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  • Reconstitution Register

    Learning Objectives

    What is it? Where kept? Who will update? What are the key information to be captured? when should it be updated? show the format.


A Reconstitution Register (RR), as the name suggests, is a register used to record the details of drug boxes reconstituted from the leftover/ remaining/ unused drug boxes of patients who have defaulted, died, failed treatment, or transferred out. 

This register in the format shown below (Figure) is maintained at all the District Tuberculosis Centres (DTCs).

Reconstitution register

Figure: Reconstitution Register

                                            Abbr:  IP: Intensive Phase; CP: Continuation Phase; PC: Product Code; PP: Prolongation Pouch

The RR consists of 13 columns designated by small alphabets 'a' to 'm'. The information in the relevant columns is filled by the pharmacist or storekeeper of the district under the supervision of the District Tuberculosis Officer (DTO). 

Reconstitution of the drugs and hence updation of the RR is done once a quarter. However, this interval can sometimes be shorter based on the need.


The following key information is recorded in the RR:

  • Serial no. and date in columns ‘a’ and ‘b’
  • Receipt transactions in columns 'c' to 'e'. These include information about the source and type of the Patient-wise Boxes (PWB) returned for reconstitution in
  • Constituents of the returned PWBs in columns 'f' to 'j'. Separate columns for IP and CP are provided.
  • Withdrawal transactions in columns 'k' to 'm'.

Note: Receipt transactions shall be recorded in the RR in blue ink, whereas withdrawals for reconstitution purposes, shall be in red ink for clear demarcation

At present, reconstitution is carried out for Bedaquiline (BDQ) only. Unlike other second-line drugs, reconstitution of BDQ takes place at the State Drug Store (SDS) under the supervision of the State Tuberculosis Officer (STO).  The number of the tablets received back and the newly reconstituted bottles from these tablets are recorded in appropriate columns of the reconstitution register. 





Question​ Answer 1​ Answer 2​ Answer 3​ Answer 4​ Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​
Reconstitution registers are maintained at? DMC PHI DTC STC 3 Reconstitution registers are maintained at all the District Tuberculosis Centres (DTCs).   YES YES

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