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  • aDSM review form

    Learning Objectives

    Describe the form, discuss key information to be covered, who will update? What is the importance?


The aDSM treatment review form is a schedule to be filled out:

i) When any adverse event is reported by a patient on a newer drug containing a DR-TB regimen 

ii) When a Serious Adverse Event (SAE) of the Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (DAIDS) grade 3 or 4 is reported by patients on other DR-TB treatment


This form is to be filled out by the health facility managing the SAE and the following information needs to be covered:

  • Patient details (name, age, sex, weight, height, Ni-kshay id, PMDT no.)
  • TB-related details - Type of TB, type of drug resistance, and previous history of treatment
  • Pregnancy and lactation-related details (if applicable)
  • Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) details – Course of events, timing and suspected cause of ADR, DAIDS grading of the Adverse Event (AE), date of onset and resolution of ADR
  • Seriousness of the AE (life-threatening, requires hospitalisation, permanent disability, congenital anomaly, conditions where the intervention is required to prevent permanent impairment/ damage, death)
  • Outcome of the adverse event
  • Causality with the anti-TB medicines the patient was consuming and actions taken by the clinician in case of suspected adverse event linked to a drug
  • Any other relevant clinical information
3245 (1)


3245 (2)

Figure: aDSM Treatment Review Form; Source: Guidelines on Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant TB (PMDT) in India, CTD, MoHFW, India, 2017.

Importance of aDSM Review Form

  • Although all AEs are to be clinically managed, aDSM treatment review form focuses mainly on the serious AEs and is an integral component of the Programmatic Management of Drug-resistant TB (PMDT).
  • This form helps to carefully monitor and document the drug-related harms attributed to the recent developments in DR-TB treatment, particularly the approval for use of new medicines ahead of the completion of phase III trials, increased use of repurposed drugs for Extensively Drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) treatment and the development of novel second-line anti-TB regimens, some of which may not have been described yet.
  • This also helps clinicians to take corrective actions and help improve the health and safety of patients.





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Answer 4    

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Who should fill out the aDSM treatment review form?


Health facility managing the Serious Adverse Event (SAE)

Both of the above

None of the above


aDSM treatment review form should be filled out by the health facility managing the Serious Adverse Event (SAE).




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