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The Standards for TB Care in India (STCI), which is a locally customized version of the International Standards of Tuberculosis Care, mentions 26 standards that every citizen of India should receive irrespective of the sector of treatment. 

STCI were developed based on a series of discussions involving various stakeholders including clinicians, public health specialists, community workers and patient advocates. 

STCI represent what is expected for quality TB care from the Indian healthcare system including both public and private systems. 

It was first published in 2014 and outlines standards across the four themes of TB diagnosis, TB treatment, public health action and social inclusion.

Following are the list of the 26 Standards:

Table 1: Categorisation of the Standards for TB Care in India, Source: Standards for TB Care in India, World Health Organisation, pp. 13-23




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How many standards in TB care are described in the Standards of TB Care in India (STCI) 2014? 4 15 26 32 3 There are 26 standards for TB care under four major categories: diagnosis, treatment, public health actions and social inclusion. Yes Yes

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