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  • DBT Maker and their roles

    Learning Objectives

    They are responsible for making the valid entries related to the patient and related beneficiaries in Nikshay, performing the necessary verifications/checks for all linked benefits and process it to checker. They are also required to monitor and troubleshoot any failures/delays in payment and beneficiary registration.


Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) maker is designated by the District TB Officer (DTO) at the Tuberculosis Unit (TU) level, responsible for ensuring timely processing of the beneficiaries and their eligible benefits. In Ni-kshay, the ‘DBT maker’ role is created under the ‘Staff Management’ function of Ni-kshay via mobile phone based One Time Password (OTP) based authentication. 

The DBT Maker is responsible for :

  1. Registering beneficiaries successfully in Ni-kshay: This includes verification of documents submitted by the beneficiaries, and entering their bank account details in Nikshay and monitoring the beneficiary status till it is validated.
  2. Ensure Benefit generation: In most cases the benefits due to the beneficiaries are automatically calculated and generated. In some cases (such as the scheme for Treatment Supporter's Honorarium), it has to be manually generated by the Maker. 
  3. Processing benefits that are "pending at Maker" level. These benefits are those that appear in the "Pending" tab of the Maker's view in Ni-kshay. The maker should aim to ensure that there are no benefits remaining in this list. These benefits have to be verified and further processed as follows:
    • Those that are successfully verified (all details including benefit amount are correct and the beneficiary is eligible for that benefit), need to be sent to the DBT Checker for further processing. 
    • In some cases if payment need to be delayed due to any reason, the maker may "Defer" it to a later point in time. Deferred benefits will converted back to the "Maker Pending" status automatically in the next cycle, and will also be clubbed/ merged with any new benefit that is generated for the same reason (such as next month's installment in NPY).
    • If it is not possible to process the benefit to the beneficiary, or there is not intention to pay the benefit to the beneficiary due to any reason (such as the beneficiary is found to be not eligible for the benefit or it is refused), the benefit needs to be "Removed" from the pending list. Once removed, the maker may "Unremove" it a later point in time.
    • Troubleshoot rejected benefits: benefits that are processed by the Maker may be rejected at any further processing step. The reason for the rejection will be mentioned in the benefit processing log of that benefit. The maker needs to understand the reason for rejection and take corresponding action to ensure that the rejection does not happen when it is processed again. 
  4. Reconciliation of benefits paid through other means (such as paid directly through Public Financial Management System [PFMS]/ paid in kind): Such benefits need to be marked as paid externally or as paid in Kind, after providing necessary details of the transaction. Such benefits will be considered as Paid.
  5. Monitoring benefits in process: The maker with the understanding of the steps in the benefit processing, they need to monitor the progress of all benefits and ensure that all of them reach a logical end point. This includes following up with the respective "DBT checker", or approver, and also raising Ni-kshay/ PFMS/ bank level errors to the corresponding technical team. Benefits in process may be accessed by in process tab in the DBT view in Ni-kshay.



Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Correct answer Correct explanation Page id Part of Pre-test Part of Post-test
DBT maker is a designated user one for each TU, created on Ni-kshay by the District TB Officer. True False     1 'DBT maker’ role is assigned in Ni-kshay by the District TB Officer (DTO) – one for each TU, under the ‘Staff Management’ module of Ni-kshay via One Time Password (OTP) based authentication.   Yes Yes
When will Ni-kshay process a benefit that was ' deferred'? Same Day Next Day Whenever the next benefit is due None of the above 3 Ni-kshay will process a benefit that was 'deferred' only when the next benefit is due and not in between.    Yes Yes

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