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  • DBT Checker and their roles

    Learning Objectives

    Checker is responsible for a second check of all information related to beneficiaries and benefitis and pushing the benefits to approver through PFMS.

DBT Checker is the district level user in the DBT module of Ni-kshay, responsible for the second check of all benefit payments in NTEP. There is one DBT Checker user created for each NTEP district at the level of State TB Officer’s (STO) login.


The DBT Checker performs the following functions:

  1. Process DBT benefits and beneficiaries based on request from DBTMaker. This includes: 
    1. Approve/Remove/defer the benefits created by DBT Maker. Approval will result in a payment request to PFMS.
    2. Verify and Approve new bank account details and beneficiary data uploaded by all the DBT makers in the district, resulting in the beneficiary registration at Public Financial Management System (PFMS).
  2. Register DBT Maker users of various Tuberculosis Units (TU) in the district.


Reference: Direct Benefi­t Transfer Manual for National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme, MoHFW, GoI, 2020.




Question Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Correct answer Correct explanation Page id Part of Pre-test Part of Post-test
How many DBTChecker users are created in Ni-kshay for each NTEP district? As many as the number of TUs in the district Two One None of the above 1 There is only one DBT Checker User in an NTEP district   Yes Yes
Following is not a function of the DBTChecker user Enter the correct beneficiary details in Ni-kshay to ensure validation at PFMS Review and approve the DBT benefits for further processing to PFMS Reject DBT benefits in cases of mistakes/ ineligible benefits Defer the benefits for future processing 1 Beneficiary details are entered in Ni-kshay by the DBTMaker user and not by the DBT Checker user   Yes Yes

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