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At the end of each day, the benefits approved by the DBT Checker in Ni-kshay are sent to the Public Finance Management System (PFMS) for final processing for payment.


Automated batching in Nikshay

The benefi­ts are automatically grouped/ batched every day, such that for each PFMS Agency, three batches are created. The batch data is formatted and sent to PFMS as a Payment Request file. These files and their status may be viewed in PFMS in the External File load status report (EP12).


Automated Reading of benefits by PFMS

PFMS reads the batch file and checks for data integrity/ validity in the batch. 

  1. If there are no errors, all the bene­fits are read into PFMS and are made available in the DA user interface for e-payment for approval and payment initiation.
  2. If there are errors in the data, PFMS will reject the entire payment request file/ batch and returns the payment request file back to Ni-akshay with the reason for rejection. The rejection reasons may be broadly classified into two:
    1. Errors at Batch level (such as invalid PFMS agency code, geography code etc): These errors need to be corrected with the help of the Ni-khay back-end team.
    2. Errors at the Benefit level (such as invalid beneficiary details): If data errors are present even in one benefit, PFMS will reject the entire batch. In such cases, Ni-kshay automatically removes the benefits which have errors and sends the remaining benefits as a new Payment Request to PFMS the next day. The erroneous benefits are shown to the DBT Maker to address the faulty benefi­ts and go back to the initial step of the DBT processes.


Payment approval in PFMS by DA

The PFMS DA user will have to login and approve the available benefits for sending the e-payment advice to the beneficiary by the bank. While approving, the competent authority has to place his/her Digital Signature on the e-payment advice. The e-payment advice is sent to the Bank electronically for payment.


Automated processing of payment by the bank

After receiving the signed e-payment advice from PFMS at the source bank, it initiates actual payment to the beneficiary. The bank provides feeds the payment status information back to PFMS periodically and is closed once the payment gets credited to the beneficiary's bank account.


Payment Status response from PFMS to Ni-kshay

On successful/ failure of credit of the amount to the beneficiary's bank account, PFMS sends a payment status file to Nikshay. The file is read by Nikshay and the status updated against each benefit. The details of status update will be visible in the benefit log of each benefit, and includes information such as transaction details and reason for failure.

  1. If payment succeeded the benefit status and status is updated as "Paid". An auto-generated SMS is sent to the registered mobile number of the beneficiary stating the details of the transaction completed.
  2. If payment failed for any reason, the benefit status is changed to "Maker Pending" and is displayed on the DBT Makers interface for addressing the reason for payment failure and reprocessing the benefit.


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Reference: Direct Benefi­t Transfer Manual for National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme, MoHFW, GoI, 2020.


Question​ Answer 1​ Answer 2​ Answer 3​ Answer 4​ Correct answer​ Correct explanation​ Page id​ Part of Pre-test​ Part of Post-test​
Ni-kshay sends benefits approved by the DBT Checker to PFMS at what frequency? Daily Once in 3 days Once a week Once a month 1 Nikshay sends the benefits approved to PFMS daily Yes Yes
Which report does one access in PFMS to review the status of the benefits sent from Ni-kshay? DBT 05 Report DBT 09 Scheme - Wise Performance Report for DBT Transactions EP12- External File load status report  DBT 04  District Wise DBT Transaction Summary 3 Ni-kshay is an external system to PFMS and the status of payment request files sent from Ni-kshay to PFMS are available in the EP-12 External File load status report   Yes Yes

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