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Payment of benefits generated in Ni-kshay can be made only if the beneficiary bank account details are validated and registered by Public Financial Management  System (PFMS). 

Below is the process of Beneficiary Registration Request from Ni-kshay to PFMS.


Until PFMS responds to the beneficiary registration request, the status of registration will be visible only as 'Sent to PFMS' in Ni-kshay DBT Module.







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What does the status ‘Sent to PFMS’ mean during beneficiary registration in PFMS?

Beneficiary bank details validated by the PFMS

Beneficiary bank details rejected by the PFMS

Beneficiary bank details were sent to the PFMS and a response is awaited.

None of the above



‘Sent to PFMS’ status during beneficiary registration in PFMS means- Beneficiary bank details are sent to the PFMS and a response is awaited.




Ni-kshay sends the bank details of the beneficiary to the PFMS for validation after a week.  True False     2 Ni-kshay sends bank details of the beneficiary to the PFMS for validation the very same day at 12 am (midnight).   Yes Yes

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