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Batching is a process that involves clubbing all the benefits approved by the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) checker in Ni-kshay each day into a single batch before sending it to the Public Finance Management System (PFMS) for processing.

All the benefits processed and approved by a single agency are identified by agency code and clubbed together in batches at three predefined time periods in a day. The process of batching happens automatically in Ni-kshay based on the approval status of the benefits generated during the day.


Process of batching of benefits in Ni-kshay

  • For every unique PFMS Agency linked in Ni-kshay, three batches are generated each day at present.
  • PFMS reads the batch as a whole and checks for data integrity in the batch and these batches are either accepted or rejected by the PFMS Approver. 
    - If the batch is accepted, Payment advice (PPA) is generated, signed, and sent to the bank for processing. 
    - If the batch is rejected, the benefits are sent back to DBT Maker for correction and will be visible under their ‘Pending’ tab in Ni-kshay.
  • Irrespective of the number of errors and the number of faulty benefits, PFMS may reject the entire batch even if a single benefit is faulty. 
  • For the remaining correct benefits in the rejected batch, it will automatically retrigger the next day into a new batch and be sent for processing in the PFMS.






Answer 1    

Answer 2    

Answer 3    

Answer 4    

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Correct explanation    

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For the correct benefits in any rejected batch, the process is retriggered automatically the next day and sent to the PFMS.




For the correct benefits in any rejected batch, the process is retriggered automatically the next day and the new batch is created and sent to the PFMS for processing.




Which of the following statements about batching is correct? Batching is the clubbing of all benefits approved by DBT checker A single batch consisting of several benefits is sent from Ni-kshay to PFMS for processing Both of the above None of the above 3 Batching is a process that involves clubbing all the benefits approved by the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) checker in Ni-kshay each day into a single batch before sending it to the Public Finance Management System (PFMS) for processing.   Yes Yes

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