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The Public Financial Management System (PFMS) is a government fund management and online transaction system. It is owned and maintained by the Controller General of Accounts (CGA), Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.    

It aims to: 

  1. Establish an efficient fund flow system as well as a payment accounting network, including tracking funds released under all schemes of the Government of India (GoI)
  2. Enable real time expenditure reporting at all levels of government programme implementation. 
  3. Ensuring transparent Direct Benefit Transfer to the beneficiaries under all schemes


Funds in PFMS are managed by the "PFMS agency". The PFMS agency  is the Programme Implementation Agency (PIA) that receives and is responsible to manage/ disburse funds. The agencies are hierarchical (eg. national, state, district). All registered agencies will have a unique code called PFMS Agency Code

All funds released to National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) through National Health Mission (NHM) is managed via PFMS. This includes funds related to Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Schemes in NTEP. In most cases, district level PFMS agencies have been created for the purpose of managing NTEP's DBT related expenses. 



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PMFS agencies a) manage the process of DBT payments in PFMS b)are private agencies contracted by PFMS to make payments c) are responsible to notify TB patients both a and b 1 PMFS agencies are govt entities that manage and disburse payments in PFMS.


Yes Yes
2) The purpose of PFMS is: Ensure direct payment to beneficiaries Track fund flow to implementing agencies Both of the above None of the above 3  The purpose of PFMS is to ensure direct benefit transfers, establish efficient fund flow to implementing agencies, track funding , report expenditures in real time.   Yes Yes

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