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  • TB Case Finding and Diagnosis

    Learning Objectives

    The learner will be able to list and define the various case finding strategies used in the public and private sector.


Different tuberculosis (TB) case finding strategies are deployed in public and private sector for early detection of TB patients and their subsequent linkage to treatment facility.

Public Sector:

  1. Passive TB case finding: It is defined as diagnosis of TB at health facilities among individuals who are aware of their symptoms and present for evaluation of the same on their own.
  2. Intensified TB case finding: Screening patients attending health facilities with comorbidities for TB (HIV service provision centers, Diabetes Mellitus testing centers, Non-Communicable Disease clinic including tobacco cessation center, Nutritional Rehabilitation Center etc.).
  3. Active TB case finding It is defined as systematic screening and clinical evaluation for TB in individuals who are at high risk of developing the same.
  4. Vulnerability Mapping: Population based screening to detect people with TB and TB related risk factors and following them up under Health and Wellness Center.

Private sector:

  1. Gazette Notification: TB notification is mandatory for all health facilities including private diagnostic and treatment centers.
  2. Implementation of schedule H1 drug protocol: Each chemist selling anti-TB drugs to anyone need to provide the details of TB patient as well as healthcare provider for such patients to NTEP.
  3. Engagement via Patient Provider Support Agency: The agency has a specific role to engage private labs and hospitals for TB notification and related public health action.




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