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Revival of the frozen cultures 

Take the cryo vial with culture from the – 80°C freezer and place it in an ice bucket. Wipe off the outer surface with a 70% ethanol cotton swab and allow thawing on ice.

Inoculate a loopful of culture aseptically onto LJ media slopes. Then, incubate the inoculated LJ slopes for 4 weeks at 37°C. 

Store the cryo vial with culture back at -80°C 

Note: Repeated freeze and thaw will affect the viability of the stored cultures


Revised National TB Control Programme     




Answer 1​

Answer 2​

Answer 3​

Answer 4​

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Correct explanation​

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Revival of frozen cultures is done by which of the following methods?



Thawing Heating Boiling Spinning Answer 1 (Thawing) Revival of frozen cultures is done by thawing on ice.      

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