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Quality Control in Laboratory Arrangement and Administration 

Laboratory Arrangement​

  • The laboratory should be arranged in a configuration which segregates clean areas from the dirtiest areas of the laboratory. ​
  • Work areas, equipment and supplies must be arranged for logical and efficient workflow. ​
  • Restricted access to containment areas; ensure that the doors are always closed during the work. ​
  • Work areas should be clean, and work surfaces should be swabbed after each use with an appropriate disinfectant.   ​

Laboratory Management​ And​ Administration​

  • Written procedures are maintained for easy reference.
  • Quality control procedures must be implemented.
  • Quality Control data must be reviewed at regular intervals. ​
  • Records and registers​ must be maintained.
  • Management of procurements: ​Equipment/ Consumables acceptance
  • Tests and services must be scheduled.
  • Proper management of biomedical waste must be done.


GLI Practical Guide to TB Laboratory Strengthening





Answer 1​



Answer 2



Answer 3



Answer 4



Correct answer​



Correct explanation​



Page id​



Part of Pre-test​



Part of Post-test​



Quality Control in Laboratory Arrangement and Administration includes which of the following processes?



The laboratory should be arranged in a configuration which segregates clean areas from the dirtiest areas of the laboratory.



Use a wide mouth beaker to prepare reagents.



Use non-homogenous suspension.



Use of 21-day-old culture.






The laboratory should be arranged in a configuration which segregates clean areas from the dirtiest areas of the laboratory.











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