Trainers' Guide for STLS Course

1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to provide the course coordinators and trainers for the “Course for STLS in NTEP” guidance for planning and executing the training. The targeted trainees for this course would be:

    Senior TB Laboratory Supervisors


This training may be provided by utilizing the blended approach where a mix of training methods and modes will be used to deliver content. This would include either in-person/ virtual training or facilitator led/ Self learning/ demonstrations/ practical exercises. Training sessions which require hands-on training will be conducted only in a physical setting. Keeping in mind the aforesaid best practices of the Modernised Training System, each State may decide to choose the approach which is most suitable for their State.

For virtual sessions, the trainees will be going through the online content, and attempt quizzes after each module. An instructor-led session will also be conducted at the end of each module. This will help the trainees for better clarification of contents and to address the queries and doubts. 

For the training areas which require hand-holding of trainees like demonstration of processes- Specimen collection and transportation, smear microscopy, Using different NAAT, patient workflow in Ni-kshay, maintaining Lab Supplies, etc in-person training sessions need to be conducted.

The training course content has 15 modules and 56 chapters. Based on different modalities used for the training, the training delivery should take at least 40 hours.

For the purpose of assessment of trainees, a pretest before the beginning of training, interim quizzes at the end of each module and a post-test at the end of training has been configured in the course content. The certificates are auto-generated for the trainees in their LMS account on successful completion of post-test and their performance in interim quizzes. .



2. Training curriculum / Agenda




Training Modality 

  1. Duration 


Basics of TB and NTEP 


  1. TB & TB Epidemiology
  2. NTEP
  3. Integration of NTEP with Health System
  4. Patient Management






TB Diagnosis and case finding in NTEP 

  1. TB Case Finding in NTEP
  2. Diagnostic Technologies
  3. Diagnostic Network and Hierarchy
  4. Approaches to TB Case Finding
  5. Active Case Finding Campaign




Specimen collection and Transportation

  1. General concepts in specimen collection & transportation
  2. Packaging & dispatching sample to a C&DST lab




Smear Microscopy

  1. Collection & Storage of Good Quality Specimen
  2. Sputum Smear Preparation
  3. Preparation of Staining solutions
  4. Staining Sputum Smear
  5. Reading Smear and Reporting Microscopy results





  1. CBNAAT as a Rapid Molecular Diagnostic tool
  2. Sample processing for CBNAAT
  3. CBNAAT Result Interpretation and recording
  4. Troubleshooting in CBNAAT
  5. Maintenance of CBNAAT





  1. Truenat as a Rapid Molecular Diagnostic Test
  2. Specimen processing for Truenat
  3. Truenat result Interpretation and recording
  4. Troubleshooting in Truenat
  5. Truenat Instrument maintenance and record keeping




Ensuring Smooth functioning of Lab Services

  1. Biomedical waste management in a microscopy lab
  2. Biomedical waste management in CBNAAT Lab
  3. Biomedical waste management in Truenat lab
  4. Record maintenance





Ensuring Quality TB lab services at TDCs

  1. General concepts in quality assurance
  2. External quality assurance





Infection Prevention and Control [IPC]

  1. General concepts in IPC
  2. Airborne Infection Control





TB Treatment and care

  1. Concepts in TB Treatment
  2. Adverse Drug Reactions with anti-TB Drugs
  3. Documentation of Treatment
  4. Extra Pulmonary TB (EPTB)
  5. Drug Sensitive TB (DS-TB)
  6. Drug Resistant TB (DR-TB)
  7. Follow up of TB patients
  8. Adherence monitoring
  9. Treatment Support
  10. TB & Comorbidities and special situations
  11. TB Preventive Treatment




Public Health Action

  1. Public health actions for TB





  1. Overview of DBT
  2. Ni-kshay for DBT




Supply Chain Management

  1. Supply Chain Management in NTEP
  2. Maintaining Supplies of Lab consumables at TDC





Supervision, Monitoring & Evaluation

  1. Supportive supervision
  2. Evaluation





Private sector Engagement

  1. Private sector engagement in NTEP




  1. Advocacy, Communication & Social Mobilization in NTEP
  2. Community engagement in NTEP




Training the Lab Technicians




3. Trainers

         For this course, following personnel may be appointed as the trainers

  • STDC- Medical Officers
  • IRL Microbiologist
  • EQA Microbiologist
  • NRL Microbiologist
  • WHO consultants


Eligibility -

Trainers are selected based on their ability to conduct training in an interactive and interesting manner. They must possess strong knowledge about TB laboratories and related processes in NTEP. The Trainers should have completed the ‘Course for STLS on NTEP’’.  The Trainers should be well versed with the IT systems such as, Zoom (for video conferencing), Swasthya-eGurukul (Learning Management System) and Nik-shay. The Trainers need to go through the Chapter- wise Training Guide for this Course, provided as an Annexure