Target Audience
Supportive Supervision
H5ContentBenefits of Supportive Supervision
H5ContentSupervision, Monitoring and Evaluation
H5ContentImportance of Monitoring and Evaluation
H5ContentPlanning Monitoring and Evaluation Cycle
H5ContentDifference between Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation
H5ContentSteps for setting up a Supervision Plan
H5ContentPrerequisites for an effective Supervision Plan
H5ContentSetting up a Supervisory System
H5ContentPlanning a Supervisory Activity
H5ContentConducting Supportive Supervision Visits
H5ContentFollow up Activities after Supervision visits
H5ContentSupervisory Skills
H5ContentSetting up a monitoring and evaluation plan
H5ContentUsing Indicators for Monitoring PPM under NTEP
H5ContentSuggestive List of Indicators for Partnerships Review