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The World Health Organisation End TB Strategy, adopted by the World Health Assembly in 2014, aims to end the global TB epidemic. The strategy draws on the opportunities presented by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially those goals aimed at achieving universal health coverage and social protection from disease.


The table given below provides information on the vision, goal, milestones and targets for the End TB Strategy.


Table: Details on the End TB Strategy; Source: The End TB Strategy, World Health Organisation, 2015, p2.
Vision of the End TB Strategy

A world free of TB:

  • Zero TB deaths
  • Zero TB disease cases
  • Zero suffering due to TB
Goal of the End TB Strategy To end the global TB epidemic by 2035
End TB Milestones for 2025
  • 75% reduction in tuberculosis deaths (compared with 2015)
  • 50% reduction in tuberculosis incidence rate (less than 55 tuberculosis cases per 100 000 population)
  • No affected families facing catastrophic costs due to tuberculosis
End TB Targets for 2035
  • 95% reduction in tuberculosis deaths (compared with 2015)
  • 90% reduction in tuberculosis incidence rate (less than 10 tuberculosis cases per 100 000 population)
  • No affected families facing catastrophic costs due to tuberculosis

The National Strategic Plan (2017-2025) proposes bold strategies with commensurate resources to rapidly decline TB in the country by 2030 in line with the global End TB targets to attain the vision of a TB-free India.




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