To establish a TB Free Workplace, it is essential for the senior management of any organization to first be sensitized on TB and its burden. Subsequently, make a commitment to create an environment with certain provisions where all their workers, including contractual workers: (a) have easy access to information and services on TB and workers feel confident to utilize these services; (b) have an environment conducive for prevention of TB; (c) encourage periodic screening for active TB with utmost regard for maintaining worker confidentiality; (d) workers having active TB are identified early and are put on complete treatment; (e) linked to appropriate social protection/welfare schemes and other government schemes; (f) are provided nutritional support during treatment; (g) receive leave benefits and employment protection; and (h) are not discriminated either based on real or perceived TB status. The organization can take the support of government health system and/or suitable NGOs to implement TB related activities in the workplace.

establishing a TB Free Workplace