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All patients diagnosed with TB should have universal access to rapid DST for at least Rifampicin and further DST for at least Fluoroquinolones among all TB patients with rifampicin resistance, i.e. UDST. 

UDST tests are offered preferably before treatment initiation to a maximum within 15 days from diagnosis. Based on the UDST test result, if Rifampicin resistance is detected, the patient is shifted to DR-TB Treatment Regimen. If Rifampicin resistance is not detected, then first-line anti TB treatment is continued, and the patient is screened further on their follow-ups. If tested positive in sputum examination during any patient follow up, then sputum is sent for further drug resistance testing, and the patient is referred to PHI for follow-up.

Figure: Screening of patient for initiating DRTB Treatment from DSTB Treatment


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