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After getting diagnosed with Drug-Resistant TB(DR-TB), the patient is referred to District DRTB Centre(DDR-TBC) for initiation of treatment. Few clinically complicated cases are referred to the Nodal DRTB Centre(NDR TBC). Since the drugs used for the treatment of DR-TB have significant adverse effects and to rule out any underlying comorbid conditions or radiological or ECG, or biochemical derangements, a Pre-treatment evaluation is done to check eligibility of patients for DR-TB regimen and to identify those patients requiring special attention and regimen modifications before initiating patients on TB treatment.

After initiation of treatment, patients are monitored every month. If the sputum test is positive during the follow-up, then the sputum sample is sent for further testing, and if needed, the regimen is changed. And if the sputum sample turns out to be negative during follow up sputum test, then the same treatment regimen is continued till treatment completion.

Post-treatment completion, patients are evaluated at the interval of 6, 12, 18 and 24 months, screened for any clinical signs and symptoms, and, if found suspected, then referred for sputum microscopy and /or culture test.



Figure: TB patient flow after being diagnosed with Multi Drug Resistance TB(MDR/RR TB)


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