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  • eVIN for Adult BCG Vaccine Study 

    Learning Objectives

    The participants will be introduced to the use of eVIN for the Adult BCG Vaccine, including how to enter the Adult BCG vaccine information into the eVIN system.


Entry of Adult BCG Vaccine in eVIN:

  1. Adding Material Tag: A separate 'Adult BCG vaccine' material tag is added in eVIN.
  2. Material Addition: Adult BCG (Dose) and Adult BCG Diluent (Dose) materials should be added under the 'Adult BCG vaccine' category (10-dose vial).
  3. State Instructions: The State Immunization Officer or State Nodal Person for Adult BCG Vaccination must instruct the SPO/POIT of the state to add the 'Adult BCG vaccine' in identified districts where the vaccination will be conducted. Note that the 'Adult BCG vaccine' should not be added and distributed in all districts/CCPs of the state, but only in the intervention districts.
  4. Indent Management: SVSM, RVSM, and DVSM will follow the usual process of indent management for distributing the Adult BCG vaccine from higher stores to the last CCP level. Consumption of the vaccine needs to be monitored to avoid wastage and ensure proper planning.
  5. Vaccine Receipt: The state store user will receive the vaccines from the GMSD or manufacturer through the usual indent/stock-in principles in eVIN.
  6. Material Tagging: POITs of the state/UT will add the material tag and materials for the specific district domain and in the DVS and all CCPs of the identified district.
  7. Vaccine Issuance: The cold chain handler user will issue the vaccines to the designated vaccination centers using the "Issue/Net utilization" transaction similar to RI vaccines, with the reason code: "Issued for adult BCG vaccination".
  8. Recording and Reporting: For physical recording and reporting of the Adult BCG vaccination project, separate dedicated pages in the vaccine stock register and vaccine distribution register should be marked. Entries should also be made for the Adult BCG vaccine under the eVIN portal. The physical stocks of vaccine doses and syringes used for the adult BCG vaccination campaign should match with the eVIN portal and stock register.
  9. Register Pages: Separate dedicated pages should be marked for Adult BCG vaccination in the vaccine stock register and vaccine distribution register. These pages should be named as:
    1. BCG Vaccine for Adult BCG vaccination.
    2. Diluent of BCG vaccine for Adult BCG vaccination.
    3. 0.1 ml Ad Syringes for Adult BCG vaccination.
    4. Reconstitution syringes for Adult BCG vaccination.
  10. Discard Entries: All discards should be entered in the eVIN portal and in the register pages for the adult BCG vaccination campaign with proper reason codes.

    States must ensure the orientation of all concerned users on the SOP for Adult BCG vaccine entry in eVIN.

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