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For Open Vial Policy, following points should be focused on

  • A BCG vial can be used for up to a maximum of 4 hours after reconstitution. 
  • Check the expiry date and VVM before vaccination. 
  • Open vials of BCG returned from the session site should NOT be used. 
  • Partially used and empty BCG vials should be returned to the cold chain point and stored in an ILR in a separate container or polyethylene bag (preferably a different colored box) or separate vaccine carrier clearly marked with “NOT TO BE USED - Opened Adult BCG vials” label. 
  • After 48 hours, they should be treated as per biomedical waste management protocol. 
  • The vaccinator should clearly write the date and time of opening on the vial cap.

In case of any reported AEFI, they will not be discarded but retained separately for investigation. All efforts should be made towards maximum consumption of the open vials within 4 hours of opening. The vaccine wastage can be prevented if sessions 4 hrs. 34 are planned based on accurate beneficiary load and effective social mobilization.

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