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  • Correct injection technique for adult BCG vaccine

    Learning Objectives

    Participants will learn about Correct injection technique for adult BCG vaccine to:

    1. Understand the Injection Technique: Gain a thorough understanding of the intradermal injection technique required for administering the Adult BCG vaccine.
    2. Site Identification: Identify the appropriate injection site, typically the upper arm (deltoid region), ensuring correct anatomical landmarks are used.
    3. Preparation of the Injection Site: Prepare the injection site using proper aseptic techniques to minimize the risk of infection.
    4. Syringe Handling: Handle and use a 0.1 ml AD syringe accurately to ensure precise dosing.
    5. Intradermal Injection Method: Perform the intradermal injection correctly by inserting the needle at a 10-15 degree angle to create a small bleb or wheal on the skin.

The accurate dose for the Adult BCG vaccine is 0.1 ml, to be given intradermally using a 0.1 ml AD syringe. The site for adult BCG vaccination is the lateral aspect of the right upper arm.

  1. Gently stretch and support the skin with the thumb and forefinger. Lay the syringe and needle almost flat along the beneficiary’s skin.
  2. Gently insert the needle into the top layer of the skin, holding the syringe barrel with the bevel (hole) of the needle facing upwards. Position the syringe and needle at a 10 to 15-degree angle along the beneficiary’s skin.
  3. Place your other thumb on the lower end of the syringe near the needle to hold it in position, but do not touch the needle. Insert the tip of the needle just past the bevel under the surface of the skin.
  4. Hold the plunger end of the syringe between the index and middle fingers and press the plunger slowly with the thumb. There will be some resistance as the wheal forms.
  5. A pale, flat-topped swelling with small pits like an orange peel should appear on the skin.
  6. Remove the needle smoothly at the same angle as it was inserted.
  7. If there is bleeding, the beneficiary may gently hold a clean swab over the site. Do not rub or massage the area.

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