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  • Adult BCG Vaccine- Safe disposal of biomedical waste at Session Site

    Learning Objectives

    Adult BCG Vaccine- Safe disposal of biomedical waste at Session Site

    Participants will learn to:

    1. Understand Biomedical Waste Classification: Identify and classify different types of biomedical waste generated at the vaccination session site, including used syringes, vials, and other consumables.
    2. Apply Safe Disposal Techniques: Implement appropriate techniques for the safe disposal of biomedical waste to minimize environmental and health risks.
    3. Use Proper Waste Containers: Utilize designated containers and bags (e.g., color-coded bins) for segregating and storing different types of biomedical waste.
    4. Follow Waste Disposal Protocols: Adhere to established protocols and guidelines for the disposal of biomedical waste, including the handling, transportation, and final disposal methods.
    5. Prevent Contamination: Employ measures to prevent contamination and ensure that waste handling does not pose a risk to healthcare workers, patients, and the community.

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