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"BCG is one of the safest and well-accepted vaccines."

  1. Mild Side Effects & Local Reactions:
    • Pain: Mild pain at the injection site.
    • Swelling: Localized swelling around the injection area.
    • Redness: Redness at the site of injection.
    • These side effects are trivial and do not require medical attention.
  2. Specific Local Reaction:
    • BCG causes a specific local reaction that starts as a papule (lump) two or more weeks after immunization, which becomes ulcerated and heals after several months, leaving a scar.
    • This is an expected response to the BCG vaccine.
  3. Commonly Reported Severe Reactions:
    • Injection site abscesses: Formation of abscesses at the injection site.
    • Severe local reactions: Severe local reactions are commonly reported following BCG vaccination.

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