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AEFI reporting in TB-WIN

  • There will be a provision for reporting of AEFIs from TB-WIN and sharing of data and information between TB-WIN and SAFE-VAC. Vaccinators can view the list of beneficiaries in vaccinator module of the TB-WIN.
  • From the list, vaccinator can report AEFI of identified beneficiary through a button “Report AEFI” against each beneficiary. Some of the data points in the AEFI reporting form will be auto-populated by system and others will have to be filled in by the vaccinator.
  • After completing the form and filling information in all mandatory data field. The vaccinator can click “Submit” button to submit the form. With a “Submit” button, a confirmation message will appear on the screen.
  • After confirmation, the data will be submitted and transported to SAFE-VAC through APIs and an AEFI ID will be reverted to TB-WIN from SAFE-VAC for reference.
  • There will be a provision to Health Facility Manager (HFM) can view all the beneficiaries in the jurisdiction of health facility and can search for any particular beneficiary. HFM can follow the similar steps to report an AEFI.
  • Similar provision will be made District immunization Officers (DIO) at the district level.

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