Roll out Plan for aBCG Vaccine implementation study- An overview
H5ContentAdult BCG Vaccine Implementation Study- Broad steps for Roll out
H5ContentAdult BCG Vaccine Implementation Study- Role of STFI/DTFI
H5ContentAdult BCG Vaccine Implementation Study- Preparedness assessment
H5ContentAdult BCG Vaccine Implementation Study- Suggestive training matrix
H5ContentAdult BCG Vaccine Implementation Study- Dissemination of guidelines/revised formats/IEC materials
H5ContentAdult BCG Vaccine Implementation Study- Track preparation in high-priority districts/blocks
H5ContentAdult BCG Vaccine Implementation Study- Indenting & delivery of vaccines & logistics
H5ContentAdult BCG Vaccine Implementation Study- Intensify Monitoring & Supportive Supervision
H5ContentAdult BCG Vaccine Implementation Study- Communication Planning
Roll out plan: Logistics, Training and Monitoring Adult BCG Vaccination