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  • TB Treatment Card

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    Learn about Significance and Contents of treatment card along with how to make recording of adherence in Treatment card.


The Tuberculosis Treatment Card is a paper-based recording form that is kept in the institution treating the TB patient under the National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP). It is a pre-requisite documentation related to treatment services offered to TB patients under NTEP.


Uses of the TB Treatment Card

The TB treatment card is primarily used for:

  1. Documenting administered drugs with their dosages
  2. Documenting follow-up investigation results
  3. Monitoring adherence to treatment
  4. Recording adverse events
  5. Recording treatment outcomes


There are two pages in the TB treatment card and details in each page is delineated in the table below.


Table: Parts of the Treatment Card; Source: NTEP Training Module 2 for Programme Managers & Medical Officers, p. 105
The First Page Patient details such as name, age, sex and address of the patient
  Type of disease
  History of anti-TB treatment
  Regimen prescribed and duration of treatment
  Results of investigation before and during treatment
  Comorbidity-related information
  Contact tracing and chemoprophylaxis details 
  Social habits such as tobacco and alcohol use
The Back Page Details of intensive and continuation phases of treatment including drug details and adherence monitoring
  Retrieval actions for missing doses
  Adverse events
  Post treatment follow-up, nutritional support details and remarks
  Treatment outcome


Important Points to Note

  • The TB treatment card is filled at the Peripheral Health Institution (PHI) when a patient is initiated on treatment.
  • The original TB treatment card is kept at the PHI and updated fortnightly.
  • A duplicate treatment card is to be given to the treatment supporter for documentation of daily events. 
  • The treatment supporter should be trained on how to record the treatment card. 
  • Details on the patient’s HIV status are not included in the treatment supporter’s copy to maintain confidentiality.


The figure below shows the 1st page of the TB treatment card. Click here to access the full form in the NTEP Training Modules 1-4 for Programme Managers & Medical Officers, p. 223.


Figure: First Page of the TB Treatment Card; Source: NTEP Training Modules 1-4 for Programme Managers & Medical Officers, p. 223






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