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The Ni-kshay reports and registers contain beneficiary level information and only authorised users can download these reports from Ni-kshay. Confidential credentials are provided to access these reports.

The following summary reports can be obtained from Ni-kshay:


  1. DBT Summary: This report provides the summary status of the eligibility and paid details of bene­fits and amount. The DBT summary will provide details based on date of notification
  2. DBT Benefi­ciary Status: This report provides a summary status of the eligibility and paid status of benefi­ciaries. The period used to fi­lter this report is based on the diagnosis date.
  3. DBT Benefit Status: This report provides a summary status of the eligibility and paid benefits. The period used to filter this report is based on the diagnosis date.
  4. Notifi­ed Outcome with Empty Bank Details: This report provides information on the patients to whom the outcomes have been assigned. However, the bank details are empty for the action of the concerned users. The period used to fi­lter this report is based on the diagnosis date.
  5. DBT Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana (NPY): This report provides a complete overview of the DBT NPY Scheme. The period used to ­filter this report is based on the diagnosis date.
  6. DBT Transaction Summary: This report provides benefit payout details to align with expenditure summaries. The period used to filter this report is based on the date of the transaction.

Patient Registers Available in Ni-kshay


  1. DBT Benefit Register: This register provides a line list of all benefits with their status as per the current health facilities.
  2. DBT Benefi­ciary Register: This register provides a line list of all bene­ficiaries with their status as per the current health facilities. The period used to ­filter this report is based on the diagnosis date.




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Which reports in Ni-kshay provide a line list of all benefits with their status as per the current health facilities?

DBT Beneficiary Status DBT Benefit Status DBT Summary DBT Benefit Register 4 DBT Benefit Register provides a line list of all benefits with their status as per the current health facilities.


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