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Incentives of INR 500 for notification and outcome declaration will be provided to private providers (Health Facilities).

Presently, Ni-kshay enables users to pay ‘Private Health Facilities’ for Notification of TB patients, referring cases (informing) to public sector laboratories for diagnosis and outcome reporting.

Payment for other individual informants and TB patents for self-notification will be added later within the same scheme.

Outcome incentives will be generated when a patient’s treatment outcome is declared from a private practitioner/ clinic (single) and hospital/ clinic/ nursing home (multi).

The following steps need to be followed for Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) payment processing in Ni-kshay for the private providers (Figure 1):


Steps for DBT payment processing in Ni-kshay for the private providers

Figure 1: Steps for DBT Payment Processing in Ni-kshay for the Private Providers


Private providers should register on Ni-kshay and have a valid Health Facility ID to notify patients on Ni-kshay (Figure 2).

Private providers can either self-register themselves in Ni-kshay or register by calling Ni-kshay Sampark. A District TB Officer (DTO)/ TB Unit (TU) user can also register the providers using the Admin User Management module.


Following details needs to be entered in Ni-kshay during registration

  • Facility Name
  • Government Registration Number
  • Contact person details (Name, Designation and Address)
  • Mobile Number
  • Email ID

The mobile number needs to be unique and is used to send One-time Password (OTP) during registration.



Registration window of private providers in Ni-kshay

Figure 2: Registration Window of Private Providers in Ni-kshay


After this, the bank details of the provider need to be added (Figure 3).



Bank details update window for private providers in Ni-kshay

Figure 3: Bank details update window for private providers in Ni-kshay


The next step is to get the updated details approved by DBT Checker. It is available on the ‘Private sector’ page in the ‘Beneficiary Approval’.

Benefits are auto-generated in Ni-kshay.

The pre-requisites for auto-generation of benefits for a private facility in Ni-kshay are:

  • Active status
  • Not opting for foregoing incentive
  • “Validated” bank account status 
  • ‘System identified unique’ or ‘unique marked by users’ episodes to generate benefits

Once benefits are auto-generated, DBT Maker and Checker will need to approve before being processed by PFMS.







Answer 1 

Answer 2 


Answer 4 

Correct Answer 

Correct explanation 

What details need to be entered on Ni-kshay while registering as a private provider?   

  • Facility Name
  • Government Registration Number
  • Contact person details (Name, Designation and Address)
  • Mobile Number
  • Email ID
  • Facility Name
  • Contact person details (Name, Designation and Address)
  • Mobile Number
  • Email ID
  • Facility Name
  • Contact person details (Name, Designation and Address)
  • Government Registration Number
  • Facility Name
  • Mobile Number
  • Email ID


The following details need to be entered by private providers:

  • Facility Name
  • Government Registration Number
  • Contact person details (Name, Designation and Address)
  • Mobile Number
  • Email ID


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