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To ensure successful implementation, sustainability and quality services under the National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP), some guiding principles in Supply Chain Management (SCM) and drug logistics are to be ensured. These are showcased in the figure below.


Figure: Principles of SCM under NTEP


Important Points

  • Timely procurement, uninterrupted supply and maintenance of stock and in-time distribution of anti-TB drugs and other consumables are essential for quality services.
  • Monitoring of drug supply from the central to peripheral health institute level through web-based real-time software, Nikshay-Aushadhi, is crucial to avoid under-stocking (and delays in treatment initiation) and over-stocking (resulting in wastages).
  • Maintaining appropriate storage and stacking norms i.e., different batches of drugs with different dates of manufacture and expiry are stored separately so as to facilitate First-expiry-first-out (FEFO) principles, viz., drug batches with the most recent expiry are issued first.


Under FEFO, the storekeeper at the drug store is responsible for:

  • Installing appropriate tools to periodically monitor controls over the expiry position of drugs.
  • Exercising prudence in the case of short-expiry drugs, wherein distribution is on a rational basis that considers the utilization pattern. This includes the following:
    • The storekeeper marks ‘Expiry Dates’ in Bold Letters 3” to 4” in size, on the drug cartons with a marker pen, for easy identification and control of drugs immediately on their arrival.
    • Routine monitoring of the stock position of all drugs.
    • Maintaining proper records.
    • Analyzing shelf-life analysis of drug stocks at all levels regularly.






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What is FEFO? FEFO is the division that manages drug receipts under NTEP. FEFO is a supply chain principle that is used to forecast consumables that are required by the programme. FEFO means First-expiry-first-out and it is a principle to be followed when issuing drugs/ consumables. None of the above 3 FEFO means First-expiry-first-out and it is a principle to be followed when issuing drugs/ consumables.    



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