AYUSH CH: General Concepts in TB treatment
- Goals of treatment
- Strategies for TB Treatment
- First line anti TB drugs
- Treatment Phases
- Fixed Dose Combinations [FDC]s
- Advantages of FDCs
- FDCs used in NTEP
- TB Drug Regimen
- Categorization of TB Treatment Regimen
- Classification of TB cases based on history of Previous TB treatment
- TB Notification
- Financial incentives for Private Providers and Informants
AYUSH CH: TB Aarogya Sathi Application
- TB Aarogya Sathi
- Download the Tb Arogya Sathi App and Steps to Login
- Searching Health Facilities In TB Arogya Sathi
- Health Record on TB Arogya Sathi
- View Adherence and DBT details in the TB Aarogya Sathi Application
- View DBT Details
- Adding bank details in the Arogya Sathi App
- Symptom Checker-Overview
- Screening for Self and Others
AYUSH CH: TB Diagnosis and Case Findings
- Symptoms of TB Disease
- Presumptive TB
- Presumptive Pulmonary TB
- Presumptive EP-TB
- Presumptive Paediatric TB
- Screening For Tuberculosis Disease
- Diagnostic Algorithm for TB Disease in NTEP
- Biological Specimen for Diagnosis of TB
- Sputum Collection Process
- Approaches to TB Case Finding
- Principles and Methods of Testing for TB diagnosis
- Bidirectional Screening Approach
- Microscopy in TB Diagnosis
- Cartridge Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test [CBNAAT]
- Truenat MTB and RIF Assay as a TB Diagnostic Test
- Sputum Collection centres
- Spot and early morning sputum sample
- Steps to Ensure a Good Quality Sputum Sample
- Evolution of TB Elimination Programme in India
- National Strategic Plan [NSP] for TB Elimination 2017-25
- NTEP NSP targets
- Organizational Structure of NTEP
- Central TB Division [CTD]
- The State TB Cell
- District TB Centre [DTC]
- Tuberculosis Unit [TU]
- DR-TB Centres and Network
- Peripheral Health Institutions [PHI] and Health Facilities
- Ayushman Bharat Health and Wellness Centres
- Laboratory Hierarchy and Network
AYUSH CH: Basics of Tuberculosis
- Tuberculosis [TB]
- Global Burden of TB
- Determinants of TB Disease
- Vulnerable Population for Tuberculosis
- Burden of TB in India
- TB Causative organism
- Mode of TB Transmission
- TB Infection Vs Active TB Disease
- Progression to TB Disease
- Classification of TB on the basis of Site of disease
- Classification of TB on the basis of Type of Diagnosis
- Classification of TB cases based on history of Previous TB treatment
- Chemotherapy and its implication in TB control
- Stages in the life of a person with TB