False Positivity and False Negativity in Microscopy
The learner will be able to
- State what is False Positivity and False Negativity in microscopy and
- Articulate consequences of false results in diagnostic and follow-up specimens
The learner will be able to
- State what is False Positivity and False Negativity in microscopy and
- Articulate consequences of false results in diagnostic and follow-up specimens
The learner will be able to
- Define quality assurance
- Discuss importance of quality assurance
- List types of QA in NTEP and
- Summarise the types of QA in NTEP
The learner will be able to outline the QA mechanism in NTEP.
The learner will be able to
Define Internal Quality Control and
Describe process of IQC at the DMC
General Concepts in quality assurance of Microscopy.
Discuss EQA and the role of Microscopy LTs in it.
The learner will be able to state Good Laboratory Practices.
Ensuring Quality Microscopy
The learner will be able to list consumables required at the DMC and their specifications for sputum collection, smear preparation and smear examination.
The learner will be able to
- Discuss the details of stock register maintained in DMC
- Explain responsibiliyies for maintenance of stock register and
- Recall calculation of stocks required at DMC