Go to KM Summary
ID Title Last Updated Sort descending KM Node Tags
5476 Reaching out to Corporates 24/06/2024 Partnerships and Multisectoral Engagement
5477 Engaging with the corporates 24/06/2024 Partnerships and Multisectoral Engagement
5536 Interaction of the District PPM coordinator with the Private practitioner- First visit 24/06/2024 Partnerships and Multisectoral Engagement
5537 Interaction of the District PPM coordinator with the Private practitioner- Subsequent visit 24/06/2024 Partnerships and Multisectoral Engagement
5538 Interaction of the District PPM coordinator with the Private Chemist 24/06/2024 Partnerships and Multisectoral Engagement
5539 Interaction of the District PPM coordinator with the informal health care providers 24/06/2024 Partnerships and Multisectoral Engagement
5612 Deliverable verification and payment process: Reporting 24/06/2024 Community engagement and call centre
5553 Team Building 24/06/2024 Partnerships and Multisectoral Engagement
5495 Suggestions for Incentivizing community structures 24/06/2024 Community engagement and call centre
5534 Body language and Appearance 25/06/2024 Community engagement and call centre
5454 Broad Expectations from Ministries/ Departments 25/06/2024 Partnerships and Multisectoral Engagement
5452 Objectives of Multisectoral Collaboration 25/06/2024 Partnerships and Multisectoral Engagement
5532 Simple rules of effective communication 26/06/2024 Community engagement and call centre
5531 Attributes of a Message 26/06/2024 Community engagement and call centre
1284 LPA Quality Assurance: Cleaning of Lab 01/07/2024 Laboratory services and management
1280 LPA Troubleshooting for Other Possible Reasons 01/07/2024 Laboratory services and management
993 Management of DR-TB ADR: Depression 01/07/2024 DR-TB and PMDT
996 Management of DR-TB ADR: Seizures 01/07/2024 DR-TB and PMDT
995 Management of DR-TB ADR: Suicidal Ideation 01/07/2024 DR-TB and PMDT
260 TB Co-morbidities & Special Situations 02/07/2024 TB Comorbidities and special conditions
635 Testing for TB Infection 03/07/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
6558 Cy-TB test 03/07/2024