MTB Detected-Rif Indeterminate Results Interpretation in CBNAAT
Learn about MTB Detected-Rif Indeterminate Results Interpretation in CBNAAT.
Learn about MTB Detected-Rif Indeterminate Results Interpretation in CBNAAT.
Describe about Hardware Problems with the CBNAAT Machine.
Monitoring Different Types of Errors with CBNAAT
Monthly Maintenance of the CBNAAT Instrument.
Learn about Semiquantitative Results Interpretation in CBNAAT Module.
Comparing AFB and LED-Fluorescence Microscopy
What are different meetings and the attendees and the purpose of each meeting
How to support MO-Tc, BMO to conduct review meeting
what is internal evaluation, the concept and how it is done
Importance of Program monitoring indicator- list / Grouping of these indicator