Go to KM Summary
ID Title Last Updated Sort descending KM Node Tags
7 Tuberculosis [TB] 09/10/2024 Training and HR Development
6326 BCG vaccine- an Introduction 10/10/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
6757 Risk factors for TB mortality 11/10/2024
6758 Verbal Autopsy of TB deaths 11/10/2024
6760 Preparation for implementing DTB Care 11/10/2024
6762 Differentiated TB Care in the private sector 11/10/2024
6763 Differentiated TB Care for Pediatric TB cases 11/10/2024
6764 Monitoring indicators and periodic review for DTC 11/10/2024
6761 Health Facilities for DTB care 11/10/2024
6765 Baseline assessment of health facilities for Differentiated TB care 11/10/2024
6766 Triaging Health facility 11/10/2024
6767 Referral health Facility 11/10/2024
6759 Overview of Differentiated TB Care Approach 11/10/2024
6768 Triaging of the persons with TB 11/10/2024
6769 Referral of persons with TB 11/10/2024
6770 Patient Management at health facility 11/10/2024
4478 Risk Stratification 11/10/2024 Training and HR Development
6338 Adult BCG Vaccination- Study Population: Inclusion Criteria 12/10/2024
6364 Headcount Survey for adult BCG vaccination 12/10/2024
6383 TB-WIN- An Overview 12/10/2024
6432 eVIN (TB-WIN) for Adult BCG Vaccine Study  12/10/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
6774 Session Planning for aBCG vaccination 12/10/2024
6171 Vaccine and Cold Chain Management for aBCG Vaccination 12/10/2024
6775 Vaccine and cold chain Management for aBCG vaccination 12/10/2024
6452 Safe Injection Practices During aBCG Vaccination​ 12/10/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
6225 BCG Vaccine specifications 12/10/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
6179 Reporting of AEFIs - serious/severe AEFIs 12/10/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
6181 Strengthening AEFI surveillance​ for aBCG Vaccination 12/10/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control
6175 Surveillance of AEFI following aBCG Vaccination 12/10/2024
6189 BCG vaccine and AEFIs 12/10/2024 TB prevention including airborne infection control