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The Drug Dispensation Module in Ni-kshay web allows users to record details of products and the quality of the drugs issued to the patients. This module was launched to replace the existing Prescription Module and to add a variety of features that were missing in the Prescription Module. The user can access the dispensation for a particular patient from the Patient Details page, or directly from the navigation sidebar. 


Dispensation options

Figure: Access to Drug Dispensation Module from the Navigation Bar or from the Patient Detail Page


The Drug Dispensation Module allows the users to perform the following different processes:



Add Dispensation

This process allows users to record information on dispensation details, drug issuing facility, and product and refill details.

Print Dispensation 

This process allows users to download and print a PDF containing all the information for a dispensation.

Return Dispensation

This process allows users to record events of dispensed drugs being returned back. To return a dispensation, the staff can select the drugs to be returned and add an appropriate reason for returning the drugs.

Copy Dispensation

This process allows users to create a copy of an existing dispensation for a patient thereby saving time by avoiding repetitive data entry.

Refill Due Task list 

This process will show the list of patients who have a "Next Refill Due Date" in 2 days or less. It serves as a reminder so that the user can dispense the drugs on time.

Outcome assignment changes

This process automatically extends the “Treatment End Date” in the cases where the “Next Refill Due Date” is greater than the “Treatment End date”. A note for the same is also added.

Adherence linkage 

This process allows users to switch on/off the linkage between dispensation and adherence. In case the link is switched on, no manual doses will be registered for the patient's adherence.

Currently, the link is defaulted to "Yes" for Drug-sensitive TB (DS-TB) patients and "No" for Drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) patients.






Answer 1​

Answer 2​

Answer 3​

Answer 4​

Correct answer​

Correct explanation​

Page id​

Part of Pre-test​

Part of Post-test​

Dispensation for a particular patient can be accessed from the patient details page only.

True False     2 The user can access the dispensation for a particular patient from the Patient details page, or directly from the navigation sidebar.      YES


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